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Attract the right clients and
customers so you can sell on repeat.

Serve up crazy-good value through the best lead magnet around quizzes.


You know what's a game-changing way to get not just more people but the *right* ones on your email list? Quizzes.

ou've heard the chatter about quiz funnels – they're fun, addictive, and personalized. They offer a unique way to engage with your list, connect with people, and lead with lots of value upfront.

Maybe you've even considered creating one yourself… until you realized that you'd have to write full-on landing pages for every result, and you can't just ask random questions like Buzzfeed.

guess what...


For months (or years?) you’ve wanted a quiz. It seems like everyone is talking about them, how quiz funnels have helped them make sales, book clients, sell out launches, and build up robust email lists.

You want a quiz too… but it just keeps getting pushed down your to-do list in favor of other lower-hanging fruit even if you know a quiz would make a HUGE difference in your business.

That’s exactly why I offer done-for-you quiz funnels for creatives!

Every time you try to think about what your quiz should be about, you just get overwhelmed and think maybe next quarter (or next year) I’ll figure it out.

The quick-turn experience giving you a quiz lead funnel in just a day, so you can build your list, grow your audience, and make direct sales.


I'm so ready


show me the full funnel experience instead >>

What's Included

the comprehensive quiz experience:

quiz concept & title

quiz questions
& answers

segmentation strategy

No idea what your quiz will be about? No problem. I'll create an engaging quiz topic for you.

Strategically written questions that will make them want to get to the quiz result

We'll segment your ideal clients into 3-4 categories that correlate to your results.

3-4 quiz result landing pages

Post-quiz confirmation email

launch success checklist

I'll write eye-opening results pages for your quiz that will excite your audience and welcome them into your world

An email you can plug and play into your email marketing platform to welcome your new subscribers

Post VIP day, you'll receive my quiz success checklist so you're equipped to launch your new quiz

onboarding questionnaire

A detailed questionnaire to learn more about your brand and story

3 days of slack  access

Chat with me in real time as we make refinements to your copy

8 hours of writing time

Writing will take place on your selected date

"Within the first week of the funnel going live, I already had a new discovery call booked specifically from the quiz. Knowing where people are coming from is POWERFUL and gives me so much excitement for having this quiz as part of our greater strategy." 

"Before hiring Kayla to create a quiz funnel for me, I was feeling like I had potential to really segment my audience and speak to them directly and provide valuable resources to them BUT I was confused as to the HOW of doing this in a strategic way. Kayla helped me clarify each client avatar into the quiz results and created an amazing quiz funnel with powerful copy that really speaks to each potential client and meet them where they are at. She also pulled out all the resources I already have in place and categorized them in a way that was clear as to who could benefit from each of those resources in this funnel. 

I am so excited to have streamlined way to bring new people into my email list and really provide value to them in a way that serves them well and lead generates for the business. Its hard to be in all the places all the time online and having this amazing system working for me BTS really helps me know that our audience is getting value."

- abby martinez

Upon booking, you'll receive your services agreement, questionnaire, and a link to book your kickoff call. 

Instantly book your VIP day through the booking file linked on this page. Choose your desired date and pay your 50% deposit to lock in your spot.

Booking Your VIP Day

On the Monday before your VIP day, you'll pay your remaining balance on your project before work begins.

We will meet for our strategy call 1-3 days before your VIP day experience to discuss your project and give you the plan for the day itself. Before I write anything, I'll bring 2-3 quiz ideas to our call and present them to you. You'll choose the winner and/or refine the idea with me to ensure we're going forward with a topic you feel good about. You'll also be onboarded into Slack for quick communication.

week of your vip day

I'll get to work preparing for your day, creating a segmentation strategy, pouring through what you've shared, and structuring out the landing pages.

During the day, I'll submit items to you for feedback and approval. You won't have to hop on any calls, but you'll need to be by your laptop to review copy at 2-3 checkpoints throughout the day. This ensures that I'm on track and can make revisions in real time to make your copy just right.

On your VIP day, I'll login promptly at 10am EST to start writing. You'll hear from me in Slack with a message recapping our plan for the day. 

on your vip day

Near the end of the day, we'll move into editing and refining as a whole and finalizing your quiz copy. We'll wrap up at 6pm EST.

after  your vip day

Our VIP day is now complete, but I'll be on hand in Slack the next day for any questions or additional support you may need.

book your vip day

hover to preview a landing page from this quiz

Curious what a quiz could look like for your business?

check out abby's quiz

"It is SO GOOD! It speaks so well to the ideal customer at each touch point. Kayla took my jumbled mess of words and vision and turned it into an amazing, strategic quiz funnel that will serve my business for a long time! Kayla is so good at what she does. She just has an amazing talent at writing copy that really moves the reader. She also nailed it right off the bat so the process felt really smooth and streamlined."

Hi, I’m Kayla. Let me answer your burning question: Why should I hire you to write my quiz?

In addition to being an experienced copywriter entering my sixth year in business, I’m recently completed a quiz certification program from the quiz queen herself Chanti Zak, who has written quizzes for the likes of Amy Porterfield, Jenna Kutcher, and Tonic Site Shop. (Hint: her quizzes are so powerful that they are often a multi 5-figure investment.)

Because I’ve completed her Quiz Pro Certification (and have Chanti’s official stamp of approval), you can trust that I have the experience to write a solid quiz that will do wonders for your business.

I’m using the EXACT strategies that helped Jenna Kutcher get 100K on her email list, Tonic Site Shop getting 80% of their recent launch sales from their email list, and another client who got 10,000 leads from $500 in ad spend. Yes, really.

maybe we've met or perhaps you're new to my world...

After working together, you’ll have a ready-to-publish personalized experience that will entice people into your world, nurture them onto your list, and prime your audience to buy from you.

You’ll have an asset you can use over and over to bring people onto your list and make DIRECT sales that could lead to THOUSANDS of dollars in ROI. 

I’ve started offering quizzes because I saw the, frankly, INSANE value that my clients could get from them.

The average lead magnet (read: another boring pdf… sorry) can convert as low as 5%-10%, but a quiz can convert as high as 40%-50%, sometimes even more.

If you don’t know copywriter speak, let me connect the dots: that means MORE people on your list.

While more isn’t *always* better, it does mean you’ll have a nurtured, engaged list of people directly in your orbit.

Every time you want to book out an offer or ask for the sale, you won’t be making a cold pitch to strangers. You’ll have a ready list of people who are already in your world and past the who-the-heck-is-this stage.

Quizzes are an actionable extension of your brand’s message, a way to welcome people into your world, provide amazing value upfront, and build trust in new ways.

I’ve seen so many service providers, coaches, and educators struggle to bring more people onto their email lists, let alone email them at all. And although other lead magnets can still work, they don’t have the star power of a quiz.

Quizzes are THE way to build your email list, for an upcoming launch or on an evergreen basis.

Whether you’re completely new to list building or you’ve got a list that you want to bulk up, quizzes can work for you!

Your Investment for a Lead Generating Quiz

$500 to reserve your spot, with payment plan thereafter


book your vip day

Make the investment back with just ONE client. That is, if you don't make it back several times over :)



Who is this right for? Do you recommend quizzes for service providers?

Whether you’re a service-based business, coach, an education business (offering courses and products), or even all the above, a quiz can work for you.

Most online businesses can benefit from a quiz lead magnet. Ideally, I recommend quizzes to clients who have been in business for a few years. It’s key that you know your audience so we can segment them properly.

If you aren’t sure who you’re talking to, it is hard to know if your quiz will resonate. 

Do I have to come up with my own quiz idea?

Not at all! Before our first meeting, I will prepare 2-3 preliminary ideas that I will share with and iterate with you.

 The one that we agree is the best fit is the one I’ll move forward with.

That being said, I'm happy to take your ideas under advisement, but I'll make the recommendation that's most likely to lead to better conversions.

When do you host VIP days?

I leave Thursdays open specifically for VIP days, simply because this allows us time to meet for your strategy call at any point between Monday-Wednesday ahead of your experience.

It also gives me the proper time to prepare for the 8 hours of writing time so I can hit the ground running on the day itself.

Plus, I'm on hand the next day for any questions that may pop up.

Is my deliverable guaranteed?

While many copywriters host VIP days that are merely about booking their time, my VIP days are created to give you a specific outcome. In this case, copywriting for your highest impact website pages.

I've formulated a specific streamlined process for us to journey through, and everything in your project flows in an exact progression. I receive your onboarding materials, meet with you, and prep for the day ahead of time so that the day is spent writing, not starting from zero. At defined checkpoints throughout the day, I'll submit each page of copy to you in Slack, get your feedback, and live edit.

That being said, if I don't hear back from you in a timely manner or you require more revisions, this may mean we don't finish everything in its entirety. If this were to happen, I would notify you and make a plan to keep our day on track, or present you with the option to add on rounds of revision for an additional fee of $250 per round. 

If I live on the west coast, does this mean I have to be up at 7am?

Not at all! I begin writing at a set time on your VIP day (and you'll hear from me with a good morning message in our Slack channel), but I won't need you to review anything until several hours into the day. No need to wake up at the crack of dawn!

When we have our strategy call, I will give you an approximate idea of when you'll be hearing from me throughout the day so you can plan accordingly.

Which system do you recommend for hosting quizzes?

My app of choice is Interact for quizzes. It’s easy to use, there are multiple tiers of membership depending on your budget, and its branching logic and integrations are top notch. 

Note: I don't include systems setup in the VIP day, but I'm happy to advise you or point you to resources that may be helpful as you're setting up your quiz.

What about the design of my  quiz?

I don’t include design, but I can recommend designers that can assist you in customizing your landing pages.

Tonic Site Shop also has a great quiz Showit template that I highly recommend for making the design of your quiz streamlined and straightforward.

Plus, if you use code theliteraryco at checkout, you’ll get 15% off your purchase. 

Use the arrows to scroll through each FAQ.

Build your email list with a quiz that attracts and converts the right people into your community.

Instantly book your VIP day. You'll access a live booking file which will allow you to select your date and pay your deposit to lock in your spot.

book my vip day

Need a full quiz funnel with an email sequence and systems setup?

Keep reading...

It’s not just the quiz you’re coming away with – you’re receiving a fully done-for-you lead magnet that will work wonders for both organic and paid lead generation. You don’t even have to know what your quiz will be about– simply allow the process to unfold and you’ll come away with a stunning quiz that will surprise and delight.

Think of it this way: If you could book one client (or sell a few copies of your signature course) because of your quiz, you’d have made your investment back in no time. And you’ll only keep seeing ROI from there.

The full quiz funnel


payment plan available

Quiz Creation:
  • Quiz concept and title
  • Quiz writing and strategy, including questions, answers, and branching logic
  • Landing pages for each quiz result (up to 6 results total)
  • 60-90 minute kickoff call and pre-project questionnaire
  • Up to 2 rounds of revision at each stage of approval
  • Debrief call 3 months after hitting publish to optimize conversions

Funnel Creation:
  • A conversion-driven landing page for your embeddable quiz
  • 5-7 Email Nurture Sequence to welcome new people and place quiz results in context
  • Systems setup to integrate Interact or Typeform with Flodesk (or another platform)

  • Nurture sequences for each quiz result
  • Additional landing pages, emails, or supplemental resources to include within the quiz
  • Voice of customer research, surveying, and interviews




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