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website audit

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May 5, 2020

Something I’ve found from years of working on websites is that there is ALWAYS something to improve. Even the best websites out there have something about them that could always get better. Remember, you may have a pretty site but that doesn’t mean it’s working for you. Before you complete a website audit you will […]

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featured topic

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February 12, 2019

You’ve heard all the buzz about Showit— even seen it compared to other website builders like WordPress and Squarespace. So you took the plunge and bought a subscription. The benefits of Showit 5 have become obvious to entrepreneurs who made the switch. Not only is it a functional, easy-to-use, code-free design experience, but Showit 5 […]

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seo website copy

featured topic

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February 6, 2019

Sounding fun and personable with friends comes naturally to you. But writing it all down, encapsulating your mission in a neat package on your website and making it SEO-friendly? That sounds crazy difficult. You know that SEO website copy will get you noticed and attract your ideal client. But how exactly do you go through […]

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