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how to write a good headline for web

How to Write a Good Headline for Your Website


Are you wondering how to write a good headline for the web? When I meet with clients, many of them ask me how to write headlines that will get their websites to stand out. They agonize over these little sentences or phrases because, well, they’re not so little after all! A headline presents a powerful opportunity to get eyes on your website—and to keep them on your business. 

The good news is that there is a science to writing headlines that will make your website pop, and you can learn it, too. Spoiler alert: writing great headlines is also an art—and that’s where a good copywriter comes in. 

But first, here are five tips to help you craft high-converting, SEO-dominating headlines with ease. 

Tip 1: Don’t Try to Pack Too Much Into a Single Headline

First of all, don’t pin too much on a single headline. Throughout your website, an array of headlines will highlight various aspects of your business.  Parse out your great ideas, carefully researched keywords, and selling points. Don’t try to pack too many words into a single headline. Trust me, I’ve seen this done—it only confuses potential customers. 

Tip 2: Do Use the Words and Phrases That Most Effectively Capture YOUR Brand

Before writing a headline for the web, try this exercise: take a blank sheet of paper (or even a napkin) and set a timer for 15 minutes. Then, start writing down any words that come to mind when you think about your business. How do you describe yourself? How do you want others to describe you? Which words and phrases encapsulate your brand? Free associate and don’t hold back. Then, take a look at your testimonials. Which words and phrases do your clients use most often to describe you? After you have a list of about 10 favorite words—the words that represent the heart of your brand—keep those words handy. We’ll work them into your headlines.

Tip 3: Do Highlight What Makes You Different

When companies don’t give their unique selling points top billing on a website, that is a major missed opportunity. I see this all the time. Instead of stating clearly, right away, what makes their businesses unique, companies bury that info in a teeny paragraph. This is a big mistake! Your points of differentiation should be in the spotlight (not hiding backstage) and here’s why: 

I see so many service providers, wedding professionals, coaches, and other types of professionals singing the virtues of investing in a certain kind of offer, rather than describing the services they offer. Not only that, but a lot of professionals parrot the same talking points as their peers, creating an online echo chamber of sorts. When this happens, people might search for you and find your site, but they will close out of it quickly because you sound like all the rest. 

When I work with clients, part of my process is to discover exactly what makes them different. By the time their headlines are done, they succinctly sum up what makes their business different, and they attract the right clients. 

Tip 4: Clarity Is Key. Don’t Try to Be Too Clever.

While I love a clever turn of phrase as much as anyone (and spend hours gobbling up good fiction in my free time), copywriting is less about what you like, and more about what works. This may sound harsh. After all, as small businesses, our words are personal to us, and we should all be comfortable with what our online presence has to say. But when you’re putting together a headline for the web, clarity truly is the key. If you try to be too clever, your copy can quickly become confusing, and customers won’t pick up on the message you’re trying to communicate. 

When I teach copy, I don’t start by teaching my students how to write. Instead, I begin by showing them the foundations of copywriting. I want my students to understand that while copywriting can be subjective, there are certain non-negotiables when it comes to writing copy that will stand out. 

Tip 5: Do Ask For Help 

So many people are afraid to ask for help on how to write a good headline for the web—and I get it. As a small business owner myself. I’ve often been tempted to take on things that are better outsourced. But the truth is, we all have different zones of genius. And if writing killer headlines (not to mention a full on website!) isn’t in your wheelhouse, you may want to reach out to a professional copywriter. 

At The Literary Co., I’ve helped clients grow their brands in ways they never thought possible. Many of these businesses weren’t even struggling. They were chugging along at a decent pace. 

But with just a few copy tweaks, they started seeing applications pouring into their sales pages the moment they launched. They were able to raise their prices and work with fewer (and frankly, better!) clients. Selling services and products no longer felt like a numbers game. That is the power of good copywriting, and sometimes, you need a professional copywriter to help you get it done. 

Have more questions about how to write a headline for the web? Let’s connect!

I hope this blog post has helped you understand what goes into a good headline for your website. However, you may still have a few more questions. Maybe you want to know more about SEO strategies. Or maybe writing is just not your jam and you want to explore working with a professional.

To all that I say, let’s chat. I’ve helped dozens of clients craft headlines that have helped their websites get tons of attention (and get their appointment books filled to the brim!) Contact me to see about getting conversion-driven copywriting for your website!

issued on

April 11, 2024

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